Water is a vital part of anyone’s life, irrespective of the age or gender. But as far as a kid’s need for water is concerned, water is an essential element in their lives. Apart from keeping diseases at bay, drinking enough water helps them to keep a smooth and gentle skin as they drink more water on a regular basis. Most children do not like drinking water and hence parents have a tough time ensuring their kids are well hydrated. Here are a few options you could try…

  • Make it easily available for them

Toddlers ignore their thirst for some time, but whenever they ask for water, just hand over a small bottle or a glass full of water. If they deny, just ask to drink five sips, most of them end up drinking way more if the bottle is easily available to them.

  • Build stories around water

Who doesn’t like a good story! Spin up some legends or stories around water with a learning that convinces them to drink more water in a day. Believe it or not, children learn better with stories rather than a disciplinary reaction from their parents. While you are at it, make sure you also tell them the importance of drinking pure water.

  • Favourite cups

Remember as kids how choosy we were when it came to sharing our stuff? Your kids may be fond of Disney cartoons, or superhero, or an animal. Use a mug with their favourite character to give them water. It is always good to let them have ownership of something they love.

  • Add elements

During summers, add a cube or two of ice in the water. Toddlers do not enjoy drinking plain water for long, However, special elements like ice or straw gives them an exciting feeling to consume as much water as possible. You may also allow them eco-friendly straws like a bamboo straw that is easily available in the market, while telling them about superpowers of water.

  • Make the water taste amazing

Once in a while you can add orange or lemon juice to water. Citrus fruits are good in Vit C, so apart from boosting their immunity, the drink will also leave a refreshing effect on your kid.

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that the quality and taste of water we consume is good. Bluestar is one of the most trusted brands of water purifiers in New Zealand. We aim to supply pure drinking water while bearing the environmental impact in our mind.

  • December 28, 2020by admin
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