Lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, inflammation of the liver and so on are commonly caused due to lack of activity and unhealthy eating habits. Water is a miracle drink that not only helps in quenching your thirst, but also helps in healing a lot of lifestyle diseases, by flushing toxins out of your body. Here are a few health conditions you can avoid by drinking ample amount of water…

  • Kidney stones and infections

Drinking water is a key way to reduce the risk of kidney stones. The amount of water you drink may depend on the level of physical activity and the weather, but always remember to replenish yourself with enough water so toxins and micro-crystals are flushed out of your kidneys.

  • Ailments due to water-pollution

With the amount of waste found in our water bodies it is imperative that if used without proper filtration and sanitisation, carcinogens present in impure or bottled water can cause bone cancer. Installing a water purifier after testing the quality of water is the best option to remove impurities in drinking water.

  • Respiratory infections

You may not be aware, but water is great for healing asthma and other respiratory infections. While COVID-19 cases may have reduced in New Zealand for now, but viral respiratory infections are quite common when the weather changes. A person suffering from respiratory issues tends to vomit or experience diarrhoea leading to dehydration.

  • Migraine headaches

Dehydration is one of the major triggers for severe headaches or migraines. Which is why people suffering from migraine need to take special care of their hydration throughout the day. Regular intake of water keeps the system normal and prevents any uneasiness due to headache.

  • High blood pressure

Water plays an important role in regulating our blood pressure. Water helps in thinning of blood, thereby making it easy for the heart to pump blood. Drinking enough water ensures clean=up of excess cholesterol in the body, keeping the heart healthy and fine.

While water can heal and prevent most of the lifestyle diseases, it is important that the quality of water be good, so as to avoid any water-borne diseases. Bluestar water purifier has a 7-stage filtration system that removes impurities and improves the taste and quality of water. With easy availability of water purifiers in New Zealand, ensure that you introduce only good-quality product to your family.

  • December 28, 2020by admin
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