Discover the taste of pure water with
Bluestar water purifiers.
Staying hydrated is crucial for health and wellbeing. Hydration strongly affects our energy levels and brain function.
In a study, researchers found that fluid loss of 1.4% post workout can impair mood and concentration while causing fatigue. It can also increase frequency of headaches. Drinking pure water is the perfect solution to prevent dehydration and its after effects.
A common problem characterized by infrequent bowel movements; Constipation is often seen as a side-effect of the indoor-living lifestyle. Increasing fluid intake is often recommended as a part of its treatment. Ozone and UV filtered waterwhich is generally rich in magnesium improves bowel movement, thus helping in better lifestyle.
Water makes your metabolism faster
- Studies have shown that thirst and hunger are sensations that are mostly triggered together.
- At that moment if there is a slight dehydration in the body, thirst can be mistaken as hunger and we end up in taking calories instead of water.
- Drinking water half an hour before meals is very effective, and helps in preventing overeating.
- It aids weight loss by allowing the body to break down the calories consumed in the previous meal.
How much water can I consume in a day?
If a study is to be believed, there is no particular number to fill in the amount of water you should drink in a day. However, your body’s facts like weight, age, and activity level also determine the right hydration your body needs.
While it is suggested that a normal adult should have about 2 liters of water in a days, it is important to experiment and determine what amount of water suits you the best.
Water boosts healthy skin
When the body is dehydrated, our skin becomes vulnerable to disorders and premature wrinkling. Skin cells need water and energy to function well.
Pimples and blemishes are also a result of built-up toxins in our body. Pure drinking water helps in flushing out the toxins, and priding the necessary nutrients for skin cells to multiply healthily.
Not sure about the type of water you are consuming?
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